This meeting will have a different format than our usual meetings. Mike Ruane and Bob Catalano will be speaking from 6 to 7 PM in one of the Cascade rooms at the Seattle Westin about their OpenInsight and CTO products. These are the same two speakers who were such a big hit at one of our Spectrum / SAPUG meetings a couple of years ago so don’t miss this one.
They will give us information about the exciting announcement that Revelation has introduced OpenInsight for the IBM U2 family and under the agreement with IBM, they will market and sell the UniVerse and UniData DBMS as part of their OpenInsight offering (link).
Following the "formal" SAPUG meeting, we are invited to meet and mingle with the attendees and vendors at their vendor fair from 7 to 10 PM. And, yes, food and drink are included. Some of these vendors are well-known and some are new to us. It will be a great opportunity to see new products, network with new and familiar people and get whatever free stuff the vendors are giving out!
For this meeting, please call Vicki at Revelation at 800-262-4747. She will print out nametags and make sure there will be enough food. Please Note: They really need our RSVP’s by 9AM January 22, 2007. Revelation is making a huge contribution to us to fund the entire meeting for all of us so please attend this one and RSVP in time for them. This meeting will be at the Seattle Westin. For questions, contact Vicki at Revelation, 800-262-4747. An alternate contact is William Timbrook at (a forwarder to or call (206) 436-6965 (can leave voice mail).