September 18, 2003

Afternoon Session: Harvey Rodstein, an informal discussion - Differences among multi-value platforms for the Developer. - Differences among local breweries. - FL, CA, WA - what's the difference? - Real world questions that Nucleus could answer. - It IS intended to be informal but informative, please attend.

The session will be held in the lounge area at our usual venue (see above), the Ramada Inn. The educational session is from 3PM to 5PM.


Evening Session: Lee Bacall and Harvey Rodstein, of Binary Star Development Corporation, will be speaking about their exciting Nucleus product.

Nucleus is an integrated environment for the development, management and operation of business, government and scientific computing applications.

If you have ever wanted to add a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to your applications, but didn't want to deal with the complexities of Visual Basic, C# or Java, we will have a presentation on the Nucleus environment from Binary Star Development. Nucleus can make GUI incredibly simple to deploy and support.

Nucleus is a host-based environment for rapidly developing and deploying easily supportable applications in both character mode and GUI. There is NO code divergence between character based and GUI applications.

Come see what Nucleus can offer your organization or IT staff.

Nucleus Features:

* Rapid development - rapid deployment
* Screen builder
* Menu Manager
* Report builder
* Security down to the field level
* Development tools
* File maintenance and Dictionary manager
* Corporate Messaging
* Change control and version control
* Source code control with check-in/check-out
* Patch set and distribution utilities for VAR's and resellers
* Structured framework simplifies support
* NuQL - Nucleus query language with integrity management
* Terminal independence
* Integrated Data Warehousing support

If you are a VAR, Nucleus can make your applications not only easier to use, but easier to sell.

A $50.00 door prize will be donated by Binary Star Development Corporation

The presentation will be by Harvey Rodstein the architect of Nucleus.

For more information, please visit: or contact Lee Bacall from Binary Star at: +1 (866) 882-1888 For PowerPoint presentations:

or, call toll-free +1 (866) 882-1888, or 954-791-8575

Worth mentioning:

Nucleus creates "objects" with "properties" that easily map to complex data structures. As most developers have found, the strict definitions that must be made to connect object-model front-ends to nested Pick style tables can be a time-consuming and tedious provess. With Nucleus, the data mapping is often done without any coding, using existing data dictionaries and correlatives (or "joins" as they are called in the object world).

An application created in Nucleus will soon be able to support (from a single set of non-divergent code):

a) GUI - Visual Basic / .NET (with Active X extensions)
b) GUI - Java, Java Beans, etc. (able to address ANY standard database)
c) GUI - C#
d) GUI - Delphi objects
e) Character based color
f) Dumb terminals (Adds 4000, Wyse, etc...)

All at the same time, all following the same rules, all without conflict.